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This is a private use field with several uses.



Cardholder Risk Identification Service (CRIS) Alert

CRIS alert information is present in 0620 administrative advices. The center receiving this message routes the text to a console, printer, or storage device for follow-up.

Position 1 = Field Identifier
This value is “C” for CRIS alert.

Position 2-18 = The merchant’s city (for international transaction this positions contains the merchant’s country name).

Position 19 = Filler Space

Position 20-21 = The merchant’s state code

Position 22 = Track Indicator
This one-position subfield indicates whether Track 1 or Track 2 data was read at the point of sale or point of service. It should be space-filled if the transaction causing the alert passed the CVV or iCVV check.

If code = 1, then Track 1 data follows

If code = 2, then Track 2 data follows

Position 23-24 = Track Length
This value is the verification length of the track data transmitted by the acquirer to Visa for the transaction causing the alert. This two-position subfield is zero-filled if the original transaction passed the CVV or iCVV check.

Position 25-100 = Track Data
This value is the transaction’s Track 1 or Track 2 data for the transaction causing the alert, based on the Track Indicator. This 76-position subfield is space-filled if the original transaction passed the CVV or iCVV check.

MagnePrint Data

This usage applies to card-present transactions that include the Magneprint data with the magnetic stripe to prevent skimming.

Account Updater Verification Data

This usage applies to the Account Updater Verification Service and contains the replacement account number and expiration date, as well as account status codes that indicate the action to be taken.