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RB T06 - Trailer batch transmission date not in MMDD format, does not match batch transmission date in header record, or invalid

Trailer Batch Transmission Date is a four-digit field. The date format is MMDD, where the entry must be numeric and valid. The batch transmission date is in the header and the trailer records and must have the same value. The system validates that the batch transmission date corresponds to the following format:

Possible Causes


The batch started transmitting before midnight and finished after midnight.

Retain and re-transmit the batch.

Incorrect trailer batch transmission date .

  1. If not valid, correct the trailer batch transmission date and retain the batch.
  2. Perform a partial download and re-transmit the batch.

The terminal data for this field may be corrupt.

Verify the trailer batch transmission date in the terminal.

  • If valid, retain the batch and re-transmit.
  • If invalid, correct the trailer batch transmission date in the terminal and re-transmit.