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RB 841 - Record count not numeric or incorrect

The batch transmission Record Count is a nine-digit, numeric field, representing the number of batch records generated by the terminal. This field is right-justified and zero-filled, but cannot contain all zeros. The system validates the data element type and length of this field. The batch record count is calculated by the system including header, parameter, detail (without VOID for PS2K), and trailer records.

Possible Causes


Incorrect information in the download file.

  1. Retain and re-transmit the batch.
  2. If the error occurs again, verify the download file is correct.
  3. If it is incorrect, correct the download file, reset the terminal, and download. Then, offline any corrected transactions and re-transmit.

Corrupt batch.

  1. If the download file is correct, delete the batch and offline one or two transactions and re-transmit.
  2. If the error occurs again after the batch is deleted, reset the terminal and offline one or two transactions, and re-transmit the batch.
  3. If the correct response is received, offline the remaining transactions.

The terminal data for this field may be corrupt.

  1. If the error occurs after the batch is deleted, perform a terminal reset and download.
  2. Offline one or two transactions initially and re-transmit.
  3. If the download is successful, offline remaining transactions and re-transmit.