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RB B20/C20/G20/H20 - Invalid transaction ID

Transaction ID is a 15-digit field that is returned in the authorization response. This field can contain all zeros if no transaction ID is returned in the authorization response. The transaction ID is assigned by VIP system when the Payment Service Indicator field contains Y and passes edit requirements. This field is an identifier used to combine all related processing through VisaNet. The system validates the data element type of this field to be passed on Base II processing.

Possible Causes


A transaction has an incorrect or invalid Transaction ID.

  1. Delete the transaction that caused the RB.
  2. Offline the corrected transaction and re-transmit.

If the Delete feature is not available, delete the batch, offline corrected transactions, and re-transmit.

The merchant entered a three-digit expiration code.

The merchant must enter a four-digit expiration code.