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RB D06 - Invalid authorization transaction code

Authorization Transaction Code is a two-character, alphanumeric field containing the code that was used in the authorization request message. This field identifies the type of transaction the authorization requested. The system validates that the transactions that do not require online authorization correspond to the following format:

Possible Cause


A transaction has an incorrect or invalid authorization transaction code.

  1. Delete the transaction that caused the RB.
  2. Offline the corrected transaction and re-transmit.

If the Delete feature is not available, delete the batch, offline corrected transactions, and re-transmit.

For Hypercom T7 terminals using RR software to process cash advance transactions, the authorization transaction code must be 55. An incorrect MMS file build can cause an authorization transaction code other than 55 to be attached to the transaction.

  1. Verify the MMS file is built correctly for cash advance processing.
  2. Make corrections to the file.
  3. Delete the batch and initialize the terminal.
  4. Offline one transaction back into the terminal and settle the batch. If this is successful, offline the remaining transactions back into the terminal and settle the batch.

The Cash Advance Processing flag in Terminal Configuration is the main cause of this RB, but the entire file should be reviewed to be sure all fields are set properly for cash advance.

POS-partner only.

Verify MMS file has the correct MCC code. Files should only be built with retail, restaurant, or direct marketing. Cash advance is not supported.

  1. Delete the transaction that caused the RB.
  2. Offline the corrected transaction and re-transmit.

If the Delete feature is not available, delete the batch, offline corrected transactions, and re-transmit.

Refer the merchant to their terminal provider.