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RB D44 - Multiple clearing sequence number non-numeric or invalid

Multiple Clearing Sequence Number is a two-digit, numeric field identifying a specific clearing transaction record when multiple clearing records are submitted for a single authorization. The multiple clearing sequence number is a sequential number implying order.

All clearing messages linked to a single authorization request must contain an unique, multiple clearing sequence number in the range 1 to multiple clearing sequence count. for example, the first record of three would be identified by a Multiple Clearing Sequence Number of 13, the second record 23, and the third record would be 33.

Note: This is a required field to qualify for CPS/Passenger Transport.

The system validates the data element type and length of this field.

Possible Cause


Incorrect multiple clearing sequence number in the download file.

  1. Correct the multiple clearing sequence number and retain batch.
  2. Do a partial download and re-transmit the batch.

The terminal data for this field may be corrupt.

Verify the multiple clearing sequence number in the terminal.

  • If valid, retain the batch and re-transmit.
  • If invalid, correct the multiple clearing sequence number n the terminal and re-transmit.