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RB T08 - Non-numeric or incorrect batch transmission record count

Batch Transmission Record Count is a nine-digit, numeric field that represents the number of batch records generated by the terminal. This field is right-justified with zero-fill, and cannot contain all zeros. The system validates the data element type and length of this field. The batch record count is calculated by the system including header, detail (including voids), and trailer records.

Possible Cause


For the Ingenico 712:

Tip After Sale is turned on.

  1. Turn off the Tip After Sale feature in the terminal.
  2. Re-transmit the batch.

Non-numeric or incorrect Batch Transmission Record Count

Retain and re-transmit the batch.

  1. If the download file is correct, delete the batch, offline one or two transactions, and re-transmit.
  2. If the error occurs again after the batch is deleted, master reset the terminal, download, offline one or two transactions, and re-transmit the batch. If the correct response is received, offline the remaining transactions.

A partial download was done to add AMEX or Novus/Discover.

  1. Run a detail report and then void any transactions for that card type. The terminal displays Not Found, but the transactions void.
  2. Re-transmit the batch. If GB, perform a master reset and download the terminal to add the new card range.

The merchant phone system is a local cooperative with the old relays and when the signal reaches the router it is split.

When you look at the RB T08 batch details, you may find the same reference number received several times. Change the primary EDC phone number to an alternative number and re-transmit.

For Stack-M:

Non-numeric or incorrect batch transmission record count

Refer to the Stack-M procedure of setting up as a standalone.

For POS Partner 2000:

Event log conflict

Close the event log and re-submit the batch with no other changes. This should be attempted before proceeding.

For POS Partner 2000:

Non-numeric or incorrect batch transmission record count

  1. Walk the merchant through a zero balance batch (transaction with a credit).
  2. Consolidate both batches and re-transmit.

POS-Partner 2000

e-Connections shows a different transaction count as compared to POS-Partner 2000.

Possible Cause


Corrupted batch

  1. After the RBT08, the transactions are no longer visible on the Transactions screen. Go into the Pending Settlement Batch Detail screen to see the transactions.
  2. When you are viewing the transaction data, double-click the individual transaction to open the original transaction screen.
  3. From here you can change the status to hold. None of the pending batch totals change until you go back to the Transactions screen and re-open Pending Settlement Batches.

Scheduled transactions are in the same batch with non-scheduled transactions.

In other words, if there are transactions with and without a calendar in list view, the batch will reject.

This applies to version 4.1.11.

  1. Place one type of transaction(s) on hold.
  2. Settle the others.
  3. Take the others off hold and send them.