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Field notes: S

Sale Amount: The maximum sale amount allowed per transaction. This must be a valid amount between 0 and 999999999.99.

Sales Channel: The Sales Channel ID associated with merchant records that you can view on reports. It is associated with the bank level.

Sales Channel Name: The name of the direct or indirect TSYS client that is registering the merchant for the American Express OptBlue program. Typically, there is only one default option available here, and it is the name of the sales channel set up for the AMEX CAP Number.

Sales Channel Indicator: The type of sales channel selected in the Sales Channel Name field. This field is auto-populated and read only. Possible values are:

Sales Code: The Sales Code ID associated with merchant records that users can view on reports. Sales codes consist of 1-16 alphanumeric characters.

Sales Performance Transmission Date (AMEX Merchant Registration page): A view-only field indicating the date that the merchant record was last sent in the Sales Performance file to American Express from TSYS Acquiring Solutions.

Sales Rep Email Address

Sales Rep ID: The identification code for the Discover sales representative.

Sales Representative ID: The identification information for the sales representative registering the merchant. If the Sales Channel Indicator is set to PSP Channel, then this field will default to the name of the PSP.

Sales Tax: The sales tax indicator. Valid values for this field include T - Tax, E - Exempt, I - Immune, and N - No Tax.

Schedule Term: The term of the lease.

SE Number: The AMEX Service Establishment Number identifier.

Search For: A string or a start string that must be input before a particular entity group can be searched.

Season: For seasonal businesses, the start month and end month during which business is conducted.

Seasonal (Merchant Account page)

Seasonal Merchant: Indicates whether or not the merchant only operates seasonally. Valid values:

Seasonal Months: List of months of operation for a seasonal Merchant. Valid values: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec.

SEC Codes: These check boxes enable you to select each required Standard Entry Class (SEC) code to apply if the merchant is being set up for Consumer ACH.

Note: At least one SEC Code must be selected for a merchant participating in Consumer ACH, and the code PPD is mandatory.

In the event of a refund, note that:

See SEC Codes for more information.

Secondary: The secondary authorization phone number.

Secondary Connect Time: The amount of time (in seconds), that the terminal will hold the line after dialing the Secondary authorization phone number and connecting to the Host.

Secondary Dial Attempts: The number of times that the terminal will dial the secondary authorization phone number.

Security Alert: A trigger monitoring the merchant credit application.

Selection 1-4: Used to select a Vendor for this category. TSYS Acquiring Solutions will place the debit card volume within the various debit network categories based on this selection.  This volume will display on the totals pages as well as in the profitability system.

Select: Selects a note so that you can view or edit it.

Select Merchants to include: Allows full-service clients to select front-end only merchants, full-service merchants, back-end merchants, or all of these merchant types to include in the report. The available options vary, depending on the report.

Select WIP Items to View: Allows you to select a subset of work in progress items to include in your search.

Self Check Method: The method used to validate the merchant account.

Seller Address: The physical address of the merchant location. This cannot be a PO Box number.

Seller Business Phone: The merchant’s business phone number.

Seller Legal Name: The legal business name of the merchant.

Seller DBA Name: The Doing Business As (DBA) name for the merchant.

Seller City: The city associated with the merchant’s physical address. This field will automatically default based on the postal code; however, you can also manually change the city.

Seller Country: The country associated with the merchant’s physical address. This field will automatically default based on the Seller Postal Code. The only valid value for this field is the United States.

Seller Currency Code: The currency type accepted by the merchant. This field is automatically populated based on the Seller Postal Code.

Seller Email Address: The merchant’s business email address. This field is required for MCC 5969. Use standard email format (for example,

Seller ID: This number identifies a single merchant. A merchant may operate under multiple MCCs so they may be assigned multiple Industry SE numbers under their Seller ID.

Seller Industry SE: This is an identification number required for authorization, settlement, and reporting. A single Participant CAP number is assigned 10 unique Industry SE numbers. Every Industry SE number correlates with a Merchant Category Code (MCC) to represent the business type. Merchants with the same MCC are assigned to the same Industry SE number.

Seller Legal Name: The legal business name of the merchant.

Seller MCC: The four-digit Merchant Category Code (MCC) for the merchant.

Seller Phone Number: The merchant phone number.

Seller Postal Code: The ZIP code associated with the merchant’s physical address. This postal code must be within the 50 US states and Washington DC.

Seller State: The state associated with the merchant’s physical address. This field will automatically default based on the Seller Postal Code.

Seller URL: The merchant’s business website URL. This field is required for MCC 5969. Use standard URL format (for example, http:/ or


Send Credits: Indicates whether credit transactions should be included in the ACH file.

Sent Date: The date on which the Declined Referral was sent.

Send on Successful Terminal Board (Terminal Deployment page): When this check box is selected, the terminal deployment data will automatically be sent to the deployment vendor when the terminal is successfully boarded.

Separate Application: Indicates that a separate application is needed or has been received.

Serial Number: The serial number assigned to this terminal.

Server/Clerk Configuration: The terminal requires a password when this function is selected from the terminal.

Server/Clerk Number: Indicates that the terminal should prompt for the server or clerk number.

Server/Clerk Password: Enables the requirement to enter a password after a Server ID number is entered.

Server/Clerk Processing: Enables the terminal to request a Server ID number when merchant enters a transaction.

Service Access ID (SAID): An identification number assigned by American Express at the Bank level to group files for transfer purposes. The SAID is included as part of the file name, header, trailer, and detailed records for transfer files. Each Submitter ID has a unique SAID.

Service Indicator: Indicates that the merchant software is Payment Services 2000 (PS2K) certified. Merchants that are PS2K certified typically qualify for better rates, since PS2K software creates a more secure transaction.

Service Industries Interchange Program (SIIP): Indicates that the merchant is eligible for this program.

Service Level: A code that indicates the services that TSYS Acquiring Solutions provides for a merchant. The service level can impact client billing. Before building files, you should verify which service level you should use with your supervisor or a TSYS Acquiring Solutions Relationship Management representative. Depending on the services you have signed up for, available codes might include:

Service Number: A system-generated number that is used to identify a merchant when a support call is made and to locate related records in the application.

Settle Comm Type: The option selected from the drop-down list indicates whether the terminal is using a dial-up (Dial) or IP connection (GPRS) to settle the batch.

Settle Merchant Number: The 12-digit Merchant ID, plus the 4-digit Store number, plus the 4-digit Terminal number.

Settle To PC: When selected, this check box allows the terminal to transmit its batch to a PC when using POS-partner. This is not currently supported by TSYS Acquiring Solutions.

Settle Unadjusted Tip: When selected, this check box enables the terminal to close a batch in which some transactions have not had a tip adjustment.

Settlement: If the card plan is full service and accepted at the association level, this option enables or disables settlement for Amex. If the Card Type is designated as front-end only or the card plan is not accepted at the association level, then the Settlement option is unavailable. This option is for full-service merchants only and does not appear for front-end only merchants.

Sharing Group: Configures the terminal to recognize the debit networks that the merchant can accept.

Sharing Groups: Configures the terminal to recognize the debit networks that the merchant can accept.

Shift Enabled: Indicates that the terminal should prompt for the shift in progress.

Shift Processing: The selection from the drop-down list indicates the way in which the terminal processes transactions by shift number, if any. The available options are:

Ship Method: The shipment method software deliveries.

Ship Method (Terminal Deployment page): The terminal deployment shipment method.

Ship Replacement To: The merchant's name to be used for replacement shipments.

Ship To: The name of the company that will receive the software.

Ship To Phone: The phone number of the location where the software will be delivered.

Shipment Notification Email Address (Terminal Deployment page): The email alert address where the shipment information is to be sent.

Signature Floor Limit: The lowest transaction amount for which the terminal will print a signature line on the receipt.

Signature on Gift: When selected, this check box indicates that the terminal will require the customer's signature for a gift card transaction.

Significant Owner Data: There may be up to four (4) separate Significant Owners’ data provided for the merchant:

Signif/Benef XXX (AMEX Merchant Registration): These significant or beneficiary owner fields (Signif/Benef Owner 1 First Name, Signif/Benef Owner 1 Last Name, etc.) are required.

SIIP: See Service Industries Interchange Program.

SIM Card (Terminal Deployment page): When selected, this check box indicates that the SIM card requires ordering.

Sim Card Contact: The name of to business to which the SIM card will be shipped.

Sim Card Contact Name: The point of contact at the business to which the SIM card will be shipped.

Similar Dollar Difference: Amount of difference (in cents) that is used to specify the criteria for similar dollar transactions within a client-defined range.

Site Inspection: If selected, indicates that a site inspection was performed.

Slip Receipt Format: The selection from the drop-down list indicates the type of receipts being used when a slip receipt-type printer is attached to the terminal.

Small Business: Allows you to specify the merchant's Small Business Association (SBA) affiliation.

Small Business(MC)

SMKT: See Supermarket.

SMKT (Merchant Account page, PayPal Programs panel): If the merchant is eligible for PayPal's Supermarket (SMKT) status, select the appropriate Debit Tier and Credit Tier option from the drop-down lists; the options available are:

SMKT (Merchant Account page, Visa Programs panel): If you have specified that the merchant is eligible for Visa's Supermarket (SMKT) status in the Visa Eligibility sub-panel above, select the appropriate Debit Tier and Credit Tier option from the drop-down lists; the options available are:

Social Security: The first merchant principal's social security number (xxx-xx-xxxx format).

Social Security Number: Indicates that the merchant's social security number is needed or has been received.

Software: The software that will be programmed into or is currently programmed on the terminal.

Software Indicator: Indicates whether (Y) or not (N) the merchant uses third-party PCI software.

Software Name: The name of the PCI software used by the merchant.

Software Provider: The name of the provider of the PCI software used by the merchant.

Software Version: The version number of the PCI software used by the merchant.

Sort Position: Identifies the order in which the card range appears in the terminal.

Source: Indicates whether the record was entered into Express using the application's user interface (Data Entry) or through an XML upload.

Source Code: The Numeric Identifier of the ESA.

Source Terminal: The source terminal hierarchy.

Sp Cond Ind 1: The primary special condition indicator.

Sp Cond Ind 2: The ancillary special condition indicator.

Special Handling: A text field for the entry of any special delivery instructions.

Special MCFS: If checked, this setting allows the system-generated MCFS number to be overridden.

Speed Dial Configuration: The terminal requires a password when this function is selected from the terminal.

SPID: The 20-character alphanumeric Sales Person Identifier.

Split Dial/Direct Check ID: The AMEX Merchant ID number as assigned by AMEX.

Split Dial for Bank Serv: Indicates whether utilizing split dial for the processing of Bank Serv transactions.

SPOIG Record Status: (AMEX Merchant Registration page): A view-only field indicating the status of the Global Sponsored Merchant (SPOIG) response file and whether American Express accepted or rejected the merchant record when it was received on the SPOIG file. You can view the SPOIG response file in the Content Download Repository in e-Connections to see which records were rejected and which fields need to be updated before resending the file to American Express.

Possible values:

Note: The SPOIG file is not sent to American Express until the merchant has been activated.

SPOIG Transmission Date: (AMEX Merchant Registration page): A view-only field indicating the date that the merchant record was last sent in the Sponsored Merchant (SPOIG) file to American Express from TSYS Acquiring Solutions.

SSL Participant: Manually set flag which indicates terminal’s access method is through ethernet.

SSN: The social security number of a principal associated with the merchant. On the Discover Setup page, the social security number of the authorized Discover account signer.

Start Date: The start date for the bank statement message or the report search criteria.

Start Date and Time: Search from this date and time for records. The format is mm/dd/yyyy hh. The date cannot be more than six months from the current date.

Start Date/Time: Indicates the extraction window start date and time in the MAS Backfeed Report.

Start Terminal Number: The terminal number for the first in a series of replicated terminal. Each replicated terminal is numbered sequentially, starting with this number.

Starting Date: The selections are Current Month (fee assessed for the first time in the month that the merchant boards); and Following Month (fee charged for the first time the month after the merchant boards).  These settings can be used in conjunction with months to delay to customize the starting date value that is populated when the charge record is added to a merchant.

Starting Date: MM/YYYY: The month and year (mm/yyyy format) in which charges for this record begin.

Starting SIC: The lowest SIC code included in this client-defined range.

State: The merchant or bank's state. This field accepts standard two-character postal state abbreviations. In the POS-Port profile build, the merchant's replacement shipment state. On the Merchant Sales Rep Details page, the state of the sales representative. On the Discover Setup page, the state in which the authorized Discover account signer lives.

State/Province: The merchant's state or province.

State Tax ID: The merchant's nine-character state tax identification number.

Statement Cutoff Date: The day of the month (1-31) that the Service Establishment (merchant) selects their payables to end.

Statement Description: A message that appears on a merchant statement.

Statement Destination: Indicates whether the statement for this merchant is sent to the client or to the merchant.

Statement Message: The message that is printed on merchant statements. This is a user-level or association-level control option. If the control is set at the user level, the user message is printed. If the control is set at the association level, the association message is printed. If the control is set at the association level for this field but no association message exists, the user message is printed on statements. If a period (.) is displayed in the first position of this field, no message is to be printed on statements.

Statement Message From: The return address that the system is to use on statements. The system prints the statement remit address at the top of statements and uses it as the return address for statements. If this field is set at the user level, the statement remit address comes from the user record. If this field is set at the group level, the statement remit address comes from the group record. If this field is set at the association level, the statement remit address comes from the association record.

Static Data: Standardized data that is populated to drop-downs and list boxes in order to achieve consistency of inputs.

Static Data Description: A description applied to each type of static data

Static IP Info Present: When selected, this check box indicates that the terminal uses a static IP address.

Status (Discover Merchant Registration page, Discover/PayPal panel): This field may be populated with a value provided by Discover to indicate the status of the Discover registration for the merchant, which can help you identify when the registration has been completed, or provide other information; for example:

Status (Merchant Status): The overall status of the merchant account, which appears on the header of every merchant page in edit mode. Possible values are:

Status (Third Party Status page)

Status of Download: Identifies terminals that are receiving or have received downloads. The last 50 terminals that are being downloaded are listed, along with their status (in progress, failed, or successful).

Stickers (Terminal Deployment page): Enter the quantity of stickers that needs to be ordered for the merchant.

Street Address: The street address for the subject of the search.

Stock Symbol Code: Identifies the stock symbol assigned to the merchant’s publicly-traded stock, if applicable. This field is optional.

Storage: Indicates that totals for storage accumulated through the profitability system. Storage includes any income or expense that is associated with storing paper drafts.

Store: A four-digit number that identifies a merchant location. Store is the fifth level of the front-end hierarchy. They contain Terminals and roll up into Merchants. If a merchant has only one location, enter 0001 in this field.

Store Descriptor: A description of the merchant (merchant name, address, city, state and postal code, for example) combined with the MCC code and Amex SE number used by the merchant.

Store Descriptor Number: An identifier for the store descriptor record.

Store Number: The store number that was entered on the Request page.

Submitter Date/Time: The date, time, and user ID associated with a third party pend item.

Submitter ID: This is used to submit transactions to American Express. One Submitter ID is assigned to each Participant CAP number.

Suite/Apt.: The suite or apartment number component of an address.

Supermarket (SMKT): The supermarket eligibility flag. To qualify for this status, the merchant SIC code must equal 5411 and the merchant must be registered as a Supermarket merchant. Additionally, the card must be magnetic-stripe read for the transaction.

Supervisor Password: The entry in this field indicates the password used for any feature which was set to use the Supervisor Password.

Supply Service Level: The supply service level options.

Support EMV Contact (Terminal VAR Details page): From the drop-down list, select Yes or No to indicate whether or not the setup supports chip-based contact payment cards and terminals. If you select Yes, the following fields become available:

Support EMV Contactless (Terminal VAR Details page): From the drop-down list, select Yes or No to indicate whether or not the setup supports chip-based contactless payment cards and terminals. If you select Yes, the following fields become available:

Surcharge Amount: If the Attach Surcharge check box in the Surcharge Settings panel on the Terminal Details page is selected, the entry in this field indicates the surcharge amount applied.

Surcharge Receipt Description: If the Attach Surcharge check box in the Surcharge Settings panel on the Terminal Details page is selected, the entry in this field indicates the description of the surcharge.

Supervisor Password: Indicates the password used for any feature which was set to use the Supervisor Password.

Synapse Carrier: The wireless service provider.

Synapse Client ID: The wireless client's identifier.

Synapse ID (SID): The Synapse identifier for the terminal.

Synapse Terminal: The wirelessly enabled terminal type.

System Generated: Indicates that the Billing Element Table is system-generated. A merchant can be assigned to only one system-generated billing element table at a time.

System Version: The OS version the merchant will use to run POS-partner. This is not currently supported by TSYS Acquiring Solutions.