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Final merchant validation and boarding

When you complete all the data entry and configuration tasks in the merchant boarding process, you are ready to validate and board the record. Validation can be performed as a separate process using the Validate button, or it can be done in combination with boarding by using the Board button.

Validating the merchant record verifies that the information provided in the merchant record is complete and applies business rules to the merchant data. If the record fails validation, you must go back and correct the conditions that caused the error.

When you choose the Board button rather than the Validate button, the system fires all the same rules that the separate steps of Validate and Board use, but in one click. Upon completion of the Board action, assuming no errors are found, the system will refresh the current page into View mode, providing visual confirmation to the user that their Board request was processed successfully. The user can then use the Reload function, where available, to continue making changes to subsequent entities.

Note that: