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Edit a merchant address

You can edit a merchant address at the Merchant Parameters page.

Each merchant name and address combination must have at least one assigned usage code.

Each usage code must be assigned to at least one name and address combination, except for BIL and SHP, which can remain unassigned. When you assign a usage code to a new name and address combination, that usage code is automatically unassigned from its previous name and address combination by Express.

Note: You can configure the name and address for full-service or back-end only merchants. The information in this topic does not apply to front-end only merchants.

To add an address to a merchant record:

  1. Search for the merchant to display its details on the Merchant Summary page, and then:
    1. In the Merchant Quick Links panel, click Merchant Parameters.


      From the Merchant menu, click Parameters.

    The Merchant Parameters page opens.

  2. If the merchant is already boarded, click Edit.
  3. In the Addresses and Assigned Usage Codes table, in the Action column, select Edit for the address you want to edit.
  4. The Address Detail panel for that address opens.

  5. Edit the address details in the fields provided as follows (fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory):
  6. In the Usage Code Selection panel, select the check box for each Usage Code you want to apply to this location, or select the All check box to select all usage codes.

    Each name and address combination that you add for a merchant must have at least one assigned usage code.

    Each usage code must be assigned to at least one name and address combination, except for BIL and SHP, which can remain unassigned. When you assign a usage code to a new name and address combination, that usage code is automatically unassigned from its previous name and address combination by Express.

    Note: You can configure the name and address for full-service or back-end only merchants. The information in this topic does not apply to front-end only merchants.

  7. If you select the BIL (Merchant Billing) Usage Code from the Usage Code Selection panel for this address, the following fields become available; enter the information as required:
  8. If you select the SHP (Shipping Address) Usage Code from the Usage Code Selection panel for this address, the following fields become available; enter the information as required:
  9. Click Apply to update the address with your changes.

    The updated address record appears in the Addresses and Assigned Usage Codes table.