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RB 018 - Card type not compatible with detail groups or industry

For this rejected batch, review the following table for possible cause and solution:

Possible Causes


American Express format code built in the Store Descriptor in MMS does not match that of the software type loaded in the terminal.

10 = Retail

11 = Hotel

12 = Restaurant

Merchants should refer to their terminal provider.

On the Hypercom Hotel application, the AMEX Extended Prompts flag in the AMEX Card Range must be set to Y.

  1. Edit the AMEX Extended Prompts flag to Y in the download file.
  2. Void/delete all American Express transactions.
  3. Initialize the terminal.
  4. Offline the transactions back in.

The American Express transactions must be deleted and offlined when the Extended Prompts flag is ON.

If they are settled without the extended prompt information, back-end issues may occur.

Cashback group is present in the message; however, the transaction is not debit.

Merchants should refer to their terminal provider.

The card is American Express and Auto Rental or Passenger Transport groups are present.

Merchants should refer to their terminal provider.