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RB D19 - Invalid transaction identifier

Transaction Identifier is a 15-character, alphanumeric field that is returned in the authorization response message. This field must contain all zeros if no transaction identifier is returned in the authorization response message.

CDC validates the data element type of this field to be passed on Base II processing.

Possible Cause


A transaction has an incorrect or invalid Transaction ID.

  1. Delete the transaction that caused the RB.
  2. Offline the corrected transaction and re-transmit.

If the Delete feature is not available, delete the batch, offline corrected transactions, and re-transmit.

POS Partner - Invalid Transaction Identifier

The following table contains information about Invalid Transaction Identifier-POS Partner:

Possible Cause


This is a corrupted transaction identifier returned from the network.

Look through al of the transactions sent through e-Connections and note the information that matches the data in the error.

Note the reference number and transaction amount (this is not the actual transaction of the reference number after the error type.)

To correct this issue:

  1. Void the transaction
  2. Delete the voided transactions, and then offline the transaction back in.