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RB D27 - Tip amount non-numeric or invalid

Tip Amount is a 12-digit, numeric field that is right-justified and must be zero-filled.

Possible Cause


A transaction has an incorrect or invalid tip amount.

  1. Void the transaction that caused the RB.
  2. Offline the corrected transaction and re-transmit.

If the Void feature is not available, delete the batch, offline corrected transactions, and re-transmit.

For VT13DA8 software:

When scrolling through to adjust tips, the merchant pressed Enter to bypass transactions that didn't need a tip.

  1. Retain the batch.
  2. Perform tip adjustments for all transactions.
  3. If there is a valid tip amount, re-enter that tip amount.
  4. If there is no tip, enter a 0 dollar amount, and move on to the next transaction.
  5. When finished, transmit the batch.